

Voordelen van Hydrotherapie

What is it?

Hydrotherapy is a therapy performed in water. A number of factors are used for this: The weightlessness of the human body in water, the heat of the water and massage .

Water is extremely suitable for patients with rheumatic complaints, neurological disorders, muscle diseases and patients who are bound to a wheelchair. All these factors come together in a spa whirlpool. The available hydromassage jets in the Jacuzzi provide a fine and deeply penetrating massage with a beneficial effect on a psychological and physical level as a result.


Hydrotherapy is an age-old way to relieve complaints. Hydrotherapy was already used in the ancient civilizations of the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians . It was common knowledge that the hot water baths could have a positive effect on health. The first man to make a living out of hydrotherapy was Vincent Priessnitz. He started on a professional basis in 1829 and became famous for it. He received clients from all over the world, a very creditable achievement at the time.


What is the beneficial effect of hydrotherapy? It exploits the effects of different water temperatures and water pressure on the body. The skin registers the stimuli that come in and directs them to the brain, where they are processed. In response to the stimuli from the skin, the brain stimulates the immune , circulatory and digestive systems, reducing the production of stress hormones and the body's sensitivity to pain.

With regard to the temperature, use can be made of hot and cold currents. Heat gives peace, it soothes the muscles. Cold, on the other hand, activates the body. The pressure that the water exerts on the body can be varied endlessly, depending on the patient's complaints. In the water people experience a kind of liberation from gravity: in water one can float , so to speak. In this way, muscle groups that cause complaints can be relieved, and exercises can be performed with the muscle group in a relatively safe way, in order to loosen it up. A form of massage can be given by working with water pressure on the body.



Relaxation is the relaxation of mind and body. The combination of warm water and massaging jets ensures relaxation in the muscles. Music can also help you relax, it has a proven positive effect on the brain. Together with the right lighting, the mind comes to rest , giving the body a chance to recharge.



There are many methods in which hydrotherapy can be applied. In the case of rheumatic complaints, for example, people often work with a small warm water swimming pool in which the patient can do exercises. In the case of rheumatism, the warm temperature has a soothing effect on the joints . You can imagine that cold water has a much worse effect on rheumatic patients! In other cases, compresses or water baths can be used. As you saw in the case of rheumatism, the best method of hydrotherapy depends on the patient's complaints .

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